How Martin Took Control of His Blood Pressure with the Hypnotension Programme For over a decade, Martin lived with high blood pressure, a condition that gradually became a constant presence in his life. For around 12 to 13 years, he struggled with elevated readings, and for 10 of those years, he relied on medication to… [Read More]
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Simon: Hypnotherapy causes blood pressure to crash
“Simon”, a 36 year old car dealership owner, had seen his blood pressure steadily rising since the age of 25. He finally went to his G.P. 3 years ago and by then his BP was 180/105 mmHg. After a barrage of tests, that had all returned negative, his doctor told him that he would be… [Read More]
Alice: Side Effects From Medication
Introduction “Alice” had suffered high blood pressure (Hypertension) since she was around 16 years of age. She felt that her high blood pressure was a fact of life, but was spurred on to seek help because the 4 different medications she had been on for the last 3 years were causing significant side effects, including… [Read More]