Sleep cuts risk of heart disease

According to research, getting seven or more hours sleep a night increases the benefits to the heart when combined with a healthy lifestyle, and could be as effective as quitting smoking when it comes to preventing strokes and heart attacks. A team from the Netherlands looked at the rates of heart disease and strokes in … Read more

Weight loss has powerful effect on high blood pressure

Research from Osaka School of Medicine in Japan reveals that losing weight changes body chemistry which helps control blood pressure. It has long been known that for people with high blood pressure, losing weight can significantly help to reduce their blood pressure, it is effective over and above any medication they may be taking to … Read more

School success may come at the expense of health

Pressure to succeed in school may by contributing to an increase in high blood pressure and obesity in teenagers. Research into high blood pressure and quality of life by the University of Göttingen Medical Centre showed that pressure to succeed in school doubled the rate of high blood pressure in teenagers. Their study of 7,688 boys … Read more

Time Pressures Encourage High Blood Pressure

Tick tock… modern life means that most of us are ruled by the clock. School runs, meetings, deadlines, commitments. Most people fill their day from start to end. Aside from the obvious blood pressure raising stress of being under chronic time pressure, our modern lifestyles mean we most of us just don’t take the time … Read more

Eggs may help lower blood pressure

The humble egg has been on ‘death row’ for years – with claims that it clogs arteries and raises cholesterol levels. And who can forget Edwina Currie’s infamous salmonella comments. But new research from the Jilin University in China has comprehensively debunked the claims that eggs are bad for the heart and the circulatory system. Their research … Read more