Hypnotension comes to Carmarthen, Wales, UK

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Peter will be serving clients with high blood pressure (Hypertension) from his practice in Carmarthen, UK

Peter is the first person to qualify as a certified Hypnotension Practitioner in West Wales, where he practises near Carmarthen as Life Change Therapy.

Peter has a Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy and a Clinical NLP Certificate and trained at the Surrey Institute of Clinical Hypnotherapy under Paul Howard and Paul White. When he heard that Paul Howard had been the co-originator of the Hypnotension training programme, he knew it must be good and signed up.

Originally a senior business analyst, Peter now gets much more job satisfaction and loves seeing people able to make really rapid changes for good in their lives, clients taking control back where aspects of their lives were out of control before, improving their health and very often improving their prospects of a longer life.

Peter practises at new therapy rooms created in the Golden Hill Centre following the award of a £75,000 grant administered by Carmarthenshire County Council.

The Hypnotension™ Programme looks at a variety of lifestyle factors to establish which is likely to be causing or maintaining high blood pressure (Hypertension). These lifestyle factors are then targeted using specific cognitive and hypnotherapeutic techniques to help reduce the clients blood pressure towards more normal levels.